“From Wi-Fi passwords to ATM machines and digital road signage, there is nothing that cannot be hacked. While helps create hoax e-mails, sends fake text messages. In a lighter vein, the cyberexpert also taught the audience to send “spoofed” messages to friends. You can also infect someone’s computer or cellphone with Trojans, the most common among which are Netbus, Back Orrifice and SUB7,” he said, adding tools such as Wickr, RedPhone, VeraCrypt, Eraser and AppLock helped protect files, folders and drives. “It is easy to hide your identity on the internet by connecting to proxy servers like KProxy, Anonymizer, Tor (computers), Orbot (android phones) and HideMyAss (iPhone). Giving stepwise directions, Fadia threw light on how a hacker changes an IP address and spies on people.

Ethical hackers, who attack a company’s website, search for the weak links and help strengthen its security system, have begun catching up with those using the internet for illicit purposes,” he said. According to Fadia, one should delve deep into the mind of a criminal and start thinking like him to catch him. Cybersecurity is an issue of global concern as tech ‘crooks’ have stepped in to take advantage of the lack of awareness among the internet users. They leave a digital footprint wherever they go, which makes them accessible to anyone from anywhere,” said Fadia, who was the keynote speaker at an interactive seminar on cybercrime and security organized by the Arcade College of Business, in Patna. Youngsters are hooked on the internet and their minds continuously occupied in texting, emailing, tweeting, watching videos and playing games. “Now, we are more dependent on technology than we have ever been before. With live hacking demonstrations, the 31-year-old tech junkie on Saturday explained how cyber criminals all over were waiting in the wings to exploit growing technologies. Patna: What will you do if somebody hacks into your computer, laptop or cellphone? How will you react if someone targets your bank account and wipes out all your money? Who will come to your rescue if somebody spies on you and steals your identity? Ethical hacker Ankit Fadia has answers to all your queries.